#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

Alexander Hasgall on The EUA-CDE Doctoral Debate

Dr. Alexander Hasgall
Head of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education

The European University Association’s Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) has launched The Doctoral Debate, a new online forum showcasing commentary and analysis on the latest trends and approaches in doctoral education in Europe. The aim is to boost debate on the most important issues in the field and contribute to the continued development of doctoral education across the continent.

The Doctoral Debate is a place where experts can exchange knowledge and perspectives on doctoral education practices, policies and structures – creating a stronger and more visible dialogue on topics that are relevant to the entire doctoral education community. Authors also address a growing number of cross-cutting topics linked to doctoral education, like research integrity, Open Science and the need for sustainable funding. In Europe, the doctoral education landscape is very rich and diverse and Europe’s universities are well-equipped to tackle these issues, especially when they come together. EUA-CDE, with more than 240 members, is a place where this happens – a place where members share good practices, knowledge and unique points of view. 

With just four months behind it, The Doctoral Debate has already done its part in serving this purpose. Several articles have dealt with inter-institutional collaboration, a hot topic nowadays, one that will also be discussed during the next EUA-CDE workshop on 17-18 January 2019 in Amsterdam. Other pieces address doctoral reforms, how to deal with research integrity breaches and the role of doctoral education in Europe’s future.

From time to time, The Doctoral Debate will also set thematic priorities for the future. For example, readers can look forward to a theme month on the well-being and mental health of doctoral candidates in November. A series of articles will address this topic from various points of view with the aim of promoting this important discussion within our membership and the wider public.

Who can write? The Doctoral Debate is the voice of those universities that are EUA-CDE members and that focus on the development of innovative and high-quality doctoral education. Anyone associated with these universities is invited to contribute. This includes higher education professionals and academic leadership, as well as supervisors and early career researchers. Additionally, stakeholder representatives in doctoral education and partners from universities outside of Europe are welcome to contribute their diverse perspectives. Ideas for a pitch? Please send your thoughts to info@eua-cde.org and our team of doctoral education experts and editorial professionals will evaluate your pitch and eventually work with you to produce the best article possible. EUA-CDE is looking forward to working with you on this exciting new adventure and we hope you will enjoy The Doctoral Debate in your summer reading.