Fabienne Gautier | Head of Open Innovation Ecosystems at DG RTD, European Commission | FR | Title of presentation TBC. | |
Joao Fernandes | Project leader, CERN | PT | "From HNSciCloud to OCRE: Cloud credits for Research." | |
Dr. Ir. Isabelle Halleux | Director of the R&D Administration, U Liège | BE | "From PhD to sustainable innovations; intersectoral mobility as career booster." | |
Charlotte Teresa Weber | Arctic University of Norway and Skills Officer at Eurodoc | NO | “Open access skills for career development: What, why, where and how?” | |
Dr. Alexander Hasgall | Head of Council of Doctoral Education, European University Association (EUA-DCE) | CH | “Doing a doctorate in collaboration with non-academic partners.” | |
Dr. Lucas Zinner | President of the Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education (PRIDE network) | AT | “Can professionals contribute to career development?” | |
Dr. Emerance Delacenserie | Research administration and valorisation at U Mons. | BE | “Tutoring and mentoring services; development of a PhD house at U Mons.” | |
Laura Buzinska | Association of Latvian Young Scientists (ALYS) | LV | “Sharing & caring: how to bring together PhD students?” | |
Dr. Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch | Head of Research Affairs at Science Europe | DE | “How your PhD provides value - for yourself, and society.” | |
Dr. Matthew DiFranco | Chair of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) | AT | “Avoiding the Academia Trap: How to Understand the Choices You Make for Your Career.” | |
Dr. Ilse van Damme | Coordinator and Trainer Doctoral Schools at U Hasselt | BE | “The (added) value of a PhD? Competences!” | |
Ewelina Pabjańczyk-Wlazło | The Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates (KRD) | PL | “Academic entrepreneurship and intersectoral mobility - new and flexible learning paths.” (Co-presenter). | |
Agnieszka Żyra | The Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates (KRD) | PL | “Academic entrepreneurship and intersectoral mobility - new and flexible learning paths.” (Co-presenter). | |
Dr. David Oliva Uribe | Head of the Industrial Doctoral School at EIT Digital | MX | “The EIT Digital Research Innovator: An Industrial Doctorate approach to shape leaders of the digital transformation.” | |
Tine Van Lommel | Coordinator Leuven Community of innovation driven Entrepreneurship (LCIE) | BE | “Lcie, student-entrepreneurship @ KU Leuven” | |
Dr. Auréa Cophignon | University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and General Board Member at Eurodoc | FR | “Research, entrepreneurship and innovation - how to boost your career.” |