#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

Speakers of Eurodoc Conference 2021

Deputy Minister for Research and Higher Education at MŠMT

Section 1: Doctoral training across Europe

Vice-Chair of PRIDE Network, former Chair of EUA-CDE Steering Committee

Section 1: Doctoral training across Europe

Head of EUA-CDE

Section 1: Doctoral training across Europe

Senior adviser of FUURT

Section 1: Doctoral training across Europe

Head of Unit, MSCA, DG EAC, EC

Section 2: Professionalization of supervision

Chair of PRIDE Network

Section 2: Professionalization of supervision

Chair of MCAA Policy WG

Section 2: Professionalization of supervision

Eurodoc WG Open Science Coordinator

Section 2: Professionalization of supervision

Head of Unit, Academic R&I, DG RTD, EC

Section 3: Career development of Early-Career Researchers

Head of University Centre for International Projects at Faculty of Economics at Matej Bel University / DocEnhance

Section 3: Career development of Early-Career Researchers

Head of the R&I Centre at Faculty of Economics at Matej Bel University / DocEnhance

Section 3: Career development of Early-Career Researchers

Executive Coordinator of ISE

Section 3: Career development of Early-Career Researchers

Member of Employment and Career Development Working Group at Eurodoc

Section 3: Career development of Early-Career Researchers

General Board Member at Eurodoc

Section 4: Implementing Open Science

Secretary General of Science Europe

Section 4: Implementing Open Science

Project Coordinator of Data Stewardship Wizard

Section 4: Implementing Open Science

Director of Publishing at F1000 Research

Section 4: Implementing Open Science

Secretary General at EuroScience

Section 5: Promoting Research Integrity

Partner and WP Training Centre leader at Path2Integrity

Section 5: Promoting Research Integrity

Researcher at Charles University

Section 5: Promoting Research Integrity

Researcher at Charles University

Section 5: Promoting Research Integrity

WG Research Integrity Coordinator at Eurodoc

Section 5: Promoting Research Integrity

President of PhDCentre

Section 6: Mental health and work-life balance

Plan S officer and BFUG officer of Eurodoc

Section 6: Mental health and work-life balance

Chair of YAE

Section 6: Mental health and work-life balance

Research Group Leader at TIB

Section 6: Mental health and work-life balance