#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

About the co-organisers

The conference is organised besides Eurodoc organised by the Department in the University and College Area of Fackförbundet ST, the Swedish National Union of Students (SFS), and the Swedish Network of Postdoc Associations (SNPA). Both SFS and SNPA are members of Eurodoc. 

About SFS and SFS-DK.

SFS is an association of student unions at Swedish universities and colleges. SFS has about fifty member corps which together represent approximately 380.000 students and doctoral candidates.

SFS has the task of representing the interests of members and students. SFS represents students and doctoral candidates with different backgrounds and from different types of education, therefore SFS has a unique opportunity to speak for the student group as a whole. This means that SFS is regarded as an important interlocutor for decision-makers who decide on issues concerning higher education and students, such as the Riksdag and the government. You can read more about SFS here.

SFS-DK is a committee within SFS, the Swedish National Union of Students, which works on issues concerning doctoral candidates and represents SFS in Eurodoc. You can read more about SFS-DK here

About SNPA.

The SNPA was founded in 2018 as a non-profit, postdoctoral member-driven organization with overarching goals to improve the quality of the working and living environments for the postdoctoral community in Sweden. This is done primarily through networking activities between universities and högskolor (colleges) to enhance the flow of information and knowledge concerning career development and advocative projects.

Today, SNPA comprises postdoc associations from Karolinska Institutet, Umeå University, Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). 

Find out more about SNPA here .

About Fackförbundet ST, the department in the university and college area.

Fackförbundet ST (the Union of Civil Servants) is a Swedish labour union and is Sweden’s only union that solely focuses on organizing employees within state agencies. 

Fackförbundet ST, the department in the university and college area is a branch section of Fackförbundet ST that brings together university institutions and the authorities that regulate issues, evaluate or perform other tasks related to the sector. It is one of the labour unions in Sweden that represents doctoral candidates and other early career researchers.

Find our more about Fackförbundet ST, the department in the university and college area here.