The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is Eurodoc's highest decision-making body. It is at the AGM that, among other things, the members of Eurodoc elect the board and other members of the Eurodoc administration, as well as make decisions about the annual goals of Eurodoc and the budget.
The meeting is only open to delegates from the National associations (the members of Eurodoc), the board of Eurodoc and others invited by the board of Eurodoc.
The 2023 AGM is a two-day hybrid meeting held in Uppsala and on Zoom. Registration is necessary whether you plan to participate in person or online. For National associations unable to attend the meeting there is the possibility to transfer votes to another national association.
On both Friday, the 9th of June and Saturday the 10th of June the conference venue will be at Campus Blåsenhus in the Bertil Hammer lecture hall. For those staying at Hotel Elite it is roughly 20 min walking distance.
About voting on the AGM
As the AGM is a hybrid meeting all votings will be carried out through an online voting tool where voting will be linked to personal email addresses. For this reason, all delegates that are participating are asked to provide email addresses.