Eurodoc for national organisations
Eurodoc is a European federation of national organisations of young researchers, therefore only national organisations may apply for membership. Potential new members need to submit a letter of application and a copy of their statute (in English) to the Eurodoc board no later than sixty days before the next AGM.
The next AGM will likely take place in May-July 2022.
Join Eurodoc as individuals
Contribute to Eurodoc’s activities – add a European aspect to your doctorate and postdoc time!
1. Join the Eurodoc Newsletter on our website
We will communicate major news on Eurodoc activities in condensed form at regular intervals. To be subsribed to newsletter, please, contact our editor at
2. Get in touch with your national organization
- Eurodoc consists of 32 member organisations. They all aim to improve the conditions of young researchers in their country, both by getting involved in research and higher education policy, but also by promoting interdisciplinary communication and networking. Find your organisation in the list of Eurodoc members and contact them to see how you might get on board.
- If your national organisation is not part of Eurodoc, have them enquire about membership.
- If your country doesn’t have such an organisation, you might want to establish one. Contact us as we draw a list of such people and try to get them involved as observers.
3. Attend the annual Eurodoc Conference
Each year in spring, Eurodoc convenes to a international conference for young researchers. The aim of the Eurodoc conference is to provide the framework for young European researchers to meet with European political and economical leaders and to engage in a fruitful discussions on the construction of the European Research and Higher Education Areas. Moreover, given the participation of young researchers from all over Europe and from multiple disciplines, the Eurodoc conference constitutes a unique occasion for interdisciplinary communication and networking. Eurodoc conference is open for all young researchers. Conference fees are only charged for food and accommodation: you will not pay for others’ needs which ensures that these fees are kept as small as possible. See the yearly conference homepage for further details.
4. Join the workgroups mailing lists
These mailing lists are for target-oriented discussions. To get more information about our workgroups, please, contact workgroup coordinator.
5. Do not hesitate to ask questions or send suggestions
Do not hesitate to contact us if anything in the guide above is not applicable to your situation or does not work properly.
Please contact the Eurodoc Board directly: