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Eurodoc elects the new board at the AGM 2019 in Brussels

On Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th April, the Eurodoc’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at Palais des Académie in Brussels and elected the new administrative board for 2019-2020. Eva Hnatkova (SK RVŠ, Czech Republic), doctoral candidate in Process Engineering at Tomas Bata University in Zlin, was elected as a Eurodoc president.

In the last years, Eurodoc has increased its visibility as well as collaboration and engagement with the partners and key stakeholders”, said Eva, “my mission for the next year will be to strengthen our relations with our stakeholders and partners as well as push forward better conditions and status of early career researchers.

During the AGM, Auréa Chopignon (CJC, France) has been elected as Vice-President, Sharmin Ahmed (SFS, Sweden) as Treasurer, Mathias Schroijen (OR, Belgium) as Secretary and Giulia Malaguarnera (ADI, Italy), Guillermo Varela Carbajal (FJI-Precarios, Spain) and Beata Zwierzynska (KRD, Poland) as General Board Members.

The AGM also appointed officers and coordinators of workgroups, with Véronique De Herde (Belgium) as Secretariat Coordinator and approved the admission of the Irish Federation of University Teachers - IFUT (Ireland) as a new member.

Regarding the annual goals for the new administration, Eva said: “This year we are going to raise awareness and develop policies and outputs on crucial topics for early career researchers, such as career planning and development; doctoral training; equality, democracy and sustainability; mental health in academia; Open Science and research integrity.

Eurodoc will continue with all activities started by the previous administrative board to increase our visibility and create a trustworthy and professional image of Eurodoc to be and remain a relevant stakeholder and partner. Within the organization we are going to develop a transparent internal management, including the transfer of knowledge”, Eva added.

Photo by Oleksandr Berezko