#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

The European Commission Published RM Comp: a Framework for Research Managers

The European Commission Published RM Comp: a Framework for Research Managers

On 27 January 2025, the European Commission introduced the European Competence Framework for Research Managers (RM Comp). This framework aims to professionalize research managers by distinguishing their role from that of researchers and aligning their skills with European standards. Rather than serving as a rigid template, RM Comp is intended as a flexible tool that provides a reference point across Europe.

RM Comp is expected to benefit research managers by offering clear reference tools to assess and enhance their skills, while providing better guidance for professional development. Additionally, policymakers and funding bodies can use RM Comp in their capacity-building efforts, leveraging it as a blueprint. This broad application is anticipated to promote future consistency across the European Research Area (ERA).

RM Comp complements the European Competence Framework for Researchers, which was published in 2023. A side-by-side comparison reveals some clear overlaps between the two frameworks. While researchers are often expected to develop managerial skills to manage their projects, research managers cannot operate effectively without a sufficient level of subject matter expertise. Both frameworks acknowledge this interdependence and help define where the two areas of expertise should intersect and where they should remain distinct.